Jumat, 09 Juli 2010


But it wasn't her fault! Uh, first this shark chased us. Y-yeah...yeah. And we tried to, but we couldn't! And he...grrrr...and we...whoa! [sighs] Then we were safe. --Flounder

As long as you live under my ocean, you'll live by my rules! --King Triton

Teenagers! They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you. --Sebastian

How do I get myself into these things? I should be writing symphonies, not chasing after headstrong teenagers! --Sebastian

Scuttle: Hey, there, sweetie! Quite a show, eh?
Ariel: Scuttle, be quiet! They'll hear you!
Scuttle: Oh, I got ya...I got ya. [whispering] We're being intrepidators. [shouting] WE'RE OUT TO DISCOVER!

Ariel: I've never seen a human this close before. He's so handsome. [talking about Prince Eric]
Scuttle: I don't know. He looks kind of hairy and slobbery to me. [referring to Max the dog]

Ariel: There it is! Isn't it fantastic?
Flounder: Yeah...sure...It's...great. Now let's get out of here!
Ariel: You're not getting cold fins now, are you?
Flounder: No way!

Flounder: Yeah, I got this cough. [weakly coughs]
Ariel: Fine, you can stay here and watch for sharks.
Flounder: Yeah, you go, and I'll stay and...WHAT?! SHARKS! Ariel! [swims into the porthole and gets stuck] Ariel...I can't...uh...Ariel help!
Ariel: Oh, Flounder...
Flounder: [whispering] Ariel, do you really think there's sharks here?
Ariel: Flounder, don't be such a guppie!
Flounder: I'm no guppie

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010


he just not my father, he also my bestfriend, brother, sometimes he can be my enemies, my superhero, my boyfriend. it's truly blessing to have you as a father in my life. thankyou for always be there, protect me. if oneday I meet a boy, don't you worry you'll always be my king :) <3

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Brother & Sister

hey hey guys! jadi kan gue punya adek-adekan dan kakak-kakakan nah sekarang gue mau cerita tentang mereka yang emang deket banget sama gue........

1. Catherine Felicia
i like her face, advice. gue kenal dia di facebook yah lumayan lamalah gue kenal sama kak Cathy ini dia tuh baik banget mau dengerin cerita gue walaupun emang belum pernah ketemu tapi kita sering otp-an, smsan, wtw-an, tweet-an nah gue pengen banget ketemu dia tapi ngga ada waktu yang tepat mudah-mudahan bisa ketemu ya kaaaaaak :')

2. Vanessa Adina Larasati
kangen banget bangetan deh sama bocah ini muka nya ngangenin kadang kalo gue lagi kangen kangen banget tapi kalo bete bete banget haha maaf ya deeek. gue pertama kali ketemu dia di kansup pim (ngga enak banget ya ketemu di kansup hah) tapi gapapa yang penting kan ketemu nah waktu itu juga lagi mau ketemu sama mantan gue (yang dulu masih pacar) -_- dia tuh gendut, cantik, unik dan berbehel. aduh kangen banget pengen ketemu lagi dek huhu I REALLY MISS YOU SO BADLY :'(

3. Muhammad Hudan Al-Birri
cowok ganteng, keren, gaul dia ini kakak kelas gue tapi gue anggep sebagai kakak-kakakan gue juga. kak Hudan itu anak nya baik banget, kocak, lucu, tempramen banget, ngocol. tapi dia baik sama gue kadang dia suka cerita sama gue, pokok nya baik deh dia. pernah tuh gue jalan bareng ke pim sama dia ih rusuh banget ya Allah. eh tapi tapi cowo ini ngga suka SAMBEL lho hahahaha pengen deh suatu saat gue kasih dia sambel tapi entar gue di tampol lagi. (it's fact lhooooo, guys)

4. Sandy Widya Pratama
gue suka sama muka dia yang lucu, kocak anak nya asik koook walaupun ngga pernah ketemu sama kak Sandy tapi gue suka kepribadian dia hehe udah ah ini aja ya -_-

5. Defri Suradinata
kak Defri? gue kenal dia dari kakak-kakakan gue yang nama nya kak Cathy. awal nya sih ngga kenal berhubung gue nge-wall dia eh temen nya, Hudan nyamperin ke kelas gue mulai dari situ gue deket sama kak hudan dan kak defri. kak defri baik, kocak, agak jaim, his voice so cute hehe tapi, gue mengagumi dia & kak hudan sebagai kakak kelas gue yang baik
soalnya kakak kelas cowo yang deket sama gue mereka berdua doang. that's all! hehe

masih ada sih yang lain tapi menurut gue mereka yang paling deket sama gue lho. thank you guys :D