Minggu, 03 November 2013

Female and Male

haters gonna hate

to all the people who hate me or like to hate on me, I have two words for you “Who cares?” have you ever been on Facebook and read the status where someone mentions their dislike for haters? being an avoid Facebook user, or addict. depends on how you look at it, I have noticed a lot of people love to. hate on being hated on. I know not everyone is going to like me. no matter what I do, no matter how good i am, no matter how much I love everyone, no matter how many good deeds or even how nice I am with them, someone is going to not like me. do you feel and see the way I do? do you know what I know? do you live like me? if yes to all, I give you permission to judge me. no one is perfect and I don't understand why people literally waste their own precious time hating someone else. "people act like they should act, based on the fact that they are acting the way they are acting. meaning, people don’t act the way you think they should. no matter how many times you punch them in the face, they will never act different. you do have control over how you act and how you react. you have the power" :)

Selasa, 17 September 2013

dear haters

hello, world! sorry for latepost nih huhu ya, sesuai tittle blog yang aku tulis "Dear Haters" aku mau sedikit curhat tentang Haters nih... belum lama ini aku dapet cercaan, makian, judge yang sangat tidak enak untuk dilihat bahkan didengar jujur sakit hati dengan semua omongan yang mereka keluarkan buat aku selama ini, mungkin ada beberapa hal yang mereka ga suka ya tapi selama aku ga ganggu hidup mereka dan aku ga ngerugiin hidup mereka kenapa mereka seneng banget ganggu hidup aku bahkan ngusik dan tanpa hentinya mereka ngejudge macem-macem yang bahkan mereka gatau sebenernya dan gimana mereka hanya dengar dari orang lain yang bahkan belum tentu cerita itu benar dan belum tau sebenernya apa yang terjadi. awalnya sih cerita ini udah lama banget ya, aku sedikit shock banget dan bahkan bisa dibilang "mengasingkan diri" karna hal yang ga enak itu. sekarang siapa sih orang yang mau di judge di media sosial? cuma ga abis pikir buat orang-orang yang mungkin mereka pikir mereka ga punya salah atau mungkin mereka suci jadi mereka dengan sangat gampang menjudge orang. Dear haters, did you need a mirror? :) emangnya kalian tau apa sih tentang hidupku yang sebenernya? kalian ngikutin hidup aku selama ini? kalian cuma bisa judge berdasarkan rumor yang beredar, bahkan kalian sendiri mungkin ga paham. tapi masih bingung aja sama kalian semua, emang dengan ngatain orang di social media atau bahkan medsos yang eksis sekarang (ask.fm) mereka ngatain dengan cara ANON, kalian cupu buat ngatain orang dengan pake ANON gitu ga mutu sekali apa karena kalian takut identitas kalian terungkap? bakal bikin kalian seneng? gada yang sempurna di dunia ini baik fisik maupun hati. gada di dunia ini yang suci bahkan kalian yang suka menjudge orang tanpa tau dia sebenernya. apa karena kalian ngatain, bisa bikin derajat kalian lebih tinggi? EVERYBODY MAKES MISTAKES, DEAR:) tapi tolong coba dan intropeksi diri kalian sebelum kalian ngehina kekurangan atau sebelum ngungkit kesalah orang lain, please take a look at yourself in the mirror. apa kalian udah yakin kalo kalian perfect, suci dan ga pernah ngelakuin kesalahan? dear haters, you wish to be me? I know I have the effet on people :) thanks for being my fans hehe "haters gonna hate"

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

I called it love

dunno why I love this photo very much include the person, he's mine the best I've ever had<3 his name Andika Givhary, I called him Dika, he's so kind, caring with me so much, and never get mad with me so that's why I love too much. foto itu waktu kita berdua berenang di Apartment, this is the first time!!! I love you too much, Andika Givhary<3

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

The meaning behind the guy hand grip

Holding hands between friends or relatives were already common, it was a sign of affection and care to each other as friends, friends, or relatives. But if you hold hands with each other as potential boyfriend or girlfriend? That's another story. when he began to hold hands with us. Is he loved me or just care? So girls, this are answers for your questions. 1.Holding hands: "I feel comfortable on your side" This form is most often seen, because most often used by couples to hold hands. The guy's hand was in the hands of the girl, was the position most comfortable hand grip while walking or sitting. When he was holding and holding your hand with this position, his heart is speaking when convenient to be near you. In any condition in any place and any situation, he felt comfortable at your side. Meaning of other words, he's not shy and unsure of his choice. 2.Holding hands: "Get to know me more" This is the first step if you guys want to close with a girl he likes. Fingers grasping all girls or just a few finger wrote. But beneath his grasp hinted that he want you to know him more, and not just simply a friend. If you do not refuse her hand, then he knew that if allowed to know you and will gladly let you know her. So girl, this is a first big step for you to catch him. 3.Holding hands: "I love you and I'm yours" Fingers intertwined with each other mutually. Yup, if he's holding your hand like this, it means he wants to prove that he really care about you and you do not want to let go. Because of him you've become part of his life. Connection linking each finger is proof that he did not want to let go of her relationship with you. Oohh! So sweet! 4.Holding hands: "I am always behind you to support you" This position is the opposite of the first form of holding hands. Boy's hand was behind the girl's hand. Positions such as holding hands suggests he's not just care about you, but there will always be good for you through thick and thin. He will always be behind you to support your every move. Usually a guy will not realize the hand like this, when the girl was wanted and needed support from someone. 5.Holding hands: "Trust me" At a glance when we look at the form of holding hands it looks like a strong grip. But, guys holding hands with this position there is some point you know. Guys want girls to feel safe with him, even through the hands of these guys can feel the pulse beat of girls, which means he can feel secure when his girlfriend is nearby, too. Some say, too, was happy to sign a guy to lead you. In conclusion, through his hand, he wanted to say "Trust me ..." 6.Holding hands: "Yes we're connected" Wrap each little finger or your index finger each other and smile, how romantic ... For couples, holding hands is one way to show everyone that you are connected to each other and being in a relationship.